our Facilities

Class Rooms

The school has well furnished, airy and well maintained classrooms. The classrooms are pleasing as well as functional. The rooms are decorated in good taste and present a cheerful atmosphere. The class size is strictly limited to children. The students teacher ratio stands at 15:1.

Audio Visual Facility

It is one of the better way of importing knowledge as it leaves a lasting effect upon the mind. Various CD’s related to new discoveries and interesting facts in all the fields are available to be seen by the student.


The Parking has got a basement for keeping cycle stands scooters (for staff only).

Medical Care

School has its own dispensary with first Aid when required is given to the sick students in the school. Medical check-up is part of school routine.


With an aim to provide every assistance to students to increase their knowledge, collection of modern books, reference books, reading material suitable for all ages and standards. Our junior library caters to the needs of the young minds C. D. Library has also been provided with a large collection of CD’s on various subjects. School’s premises for the benefits of students and teachers.

Computer lab

Keeping in mind the ever-growing needs of children in connection with computers, there is provision of a number of computer labs with latest educational software for the students of every classes. Computer classes are run from the very beginning from Nursery keeping in mind, its importance in daily life.

The Curriculum

The school offers a board based curricular which is designed to match the educational needs of the children within the parameters of the CBSE and CBSE examination frame work. Basically the objective of the school is to enrich student’s knowledge to enable them to take their board exams with ease and confidence. A carefully planned academic syllabus ensures that a child enjoys the years spent in learning and discovery and acquires a sound understanding of concepts in maths, science and humanities and develop effective communication skills. The syllabus is enriched by the teacher designed worksheets and subject integrated projects. Emphasis is placed on learning through curricular related trips, talks by guest speakers and through films.

Pre-Primary Education

In the pre primary years we follow a non formal approach to learning. Children are encouraged to explore the environment and feel its presence through projects which integrate art, craft, music and dance. Activities are designed to develop their fine motor skills and promote sensorial development. Due emphasis is also laid on developing communication skills.

The Junior School Classes Ist to Vth

The junior school dwells on the spirit of exploration and enquiry emphasis is laid on acquiring sound language skills, clarity of mathematical concepts and the discovery and understanding of scientific principles. Through extensive project work, they are given awareness of the richness of the diverse history and culture of India.
There are no formal examinations in pre primary and junior school. Teacher’s evaluation and assessments are continuous and ongoing and form the basis of child performance in a class.
Light home work is given everyday to reinforce the concepts taught in class.

Parent – School Interaction

The School believes that its relationship with parents is crucial to the children’s growth and development. All out efforts are made to build up a perfect rapport between home and school. The school is of the opinion that we are Partner’s in the pursuit of quality education of our students, which we endevour to achieve through following activities:
=> There are regular monthly walking an open days at the end of each term when parents are invited to view their child work and discuss his/her progress.
=> The Principal, heads of School, Academic Co-ordinators and the faculty are always available, preferably by appointment to discuss the progress and welfare of the children.